
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Owl Love You ('Til the End of Time) - Toddler Art Project

Owl Love You (‘Til the End of Time)

Age: 18 Months - 5 Years (younger ones need more supervision)

Time: 10 - 15 min (+ Prep)

Theme: Owls

Books: Owl Babies by Martin Waddell, The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett, Owl Moon by Jane Yolen

Construction Paper
Toilet Paper Tube(s)
Glue Sticks
Reinforcement Labels (little donut shaped stickers used to reinforce pages in ring binders)
Adults get to use Scissors or Pinking Sheers

Prep: From assorted color construction paper cut a wing pair (fold paper then cut a 2” leaf shape leaving the fold side intact), a chest plate (1” loosely shaped triangle) and a beak (>1/2” triangle).

Activity: Each child gets pre-cut wings, chest plate, beak, (2) reinforcement labels, a glue stick and a TP tube. To make the owl’s horns (adult or big kid with guidance) gently press the top of the TP roll in and down so that the side ‘folds’, rotate and push the other side in too. Glue the wings, chest plate and beak into place. Add the labels for eyes. Take your owl out for a test flight!

Notes/Tips: If working with older kids, you can give this project a ‘big kid flair’ by covering the tubes with decorative paper cut to about 4-1/2 x 7 (different brands have slightly different sized tubes). Reinforcement Labels can be found at most office supply stores. I find them to be a great substitute for googly-eyes which can be a choking hazard with very young tots. 

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