
Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Love Chasing Butterflies – Toddler Art Project

I Love Chasing Butterflies – Toddler Art Project

Age: 18 Months - 5 Years (younger ones need more supervision)

Time: 15 min (+ Prep)

Theme: Butterflies, Hearts

Books: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall, The Day the Babies Crawled Away by Peggy Rathmann   

Construction Paper of any color
Tissue Paper Scraps
Craft Sticks
Pipe Cleaner(s)
Glue Sticks
Adults get to use Scissors
Prep: Cut out pairs of matching hears by folding the construction paper into ¼’s. Make sure you start on the folded edge. Hearts cut to this size will be about 4” x 5”.
Activity: Each child gets a pair of hearts, a craft stick, a pipe cleaner and glue. Wrap the pipe cleaner several times around the top of the craft stick to form the body and antennas and then set aside. Overlap the hearts pointing tip to tip and glue them together to form wings. Glue the body to the front of the wings. Decorate the wings using small scraps of tissue paper. Chase Butterflies!
Notes/Tips: I like to use the ‘smart stick’ craft sticks for this project because the little notches keep the antennae from sliding off. The wings get in the way when adding the antennae so do this step first. Putting glue on both the stick and the paper helps make sure they stick together. Distribute the tissue paper on plates to save on clean-up. Add a strip of magnet - these are adorable on refrigerators and metal doors.


  1. I love these butterflies! So cute!! And, thanks for stopping by The Good Long Road to check out our pop tarts!

    1. Thanks! Does your family have a favorite book that features butterflies? We have gotten The Day the Babies Crawled Away from the library more times than I can count!
