
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over… A big kid project

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly..." ~Proverb

A Big Kid  Project...

Large paper plate, Small paper plate, Water color paints, Dark colored pipe cleaner, String, Scissors, Hole Punch, Masking tape (optional)

 Fold the large plate in half then cut a scalloped edge on the folded side. The result should be two pieces that look a little like a pair of kidney beans.

Paint the ‘out’ side of the plate to resemble a cocoon, and the inside to be wings. Paint the the small plate to resemble a flower, but just the rim of the inside leaving the center for the quote.

Once dry, write the quote in the center of the small plate.

With the wings facing each other, punch two holes about 2” apart on the rounded edge of the plate. Using the pipe cleaner, assemble the wings by stitching them from the outside in, twisting for the body, then stitching closed leaving the ends for antenna.

Add a string for hanging the flower below the butterfly and also one for hanging the whole thing.

Now the cool part… If you fold the small plate in half, position it inside the wings, tuck the string and antenna in and close the wings it all fits neatly into the cocoon.

And if you close up the cocoon with colored masking tape, address as you would an envelope, use 2x postage - You can send a butterfly in the mail!

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