
Monday, December 3, 2012

The Pigeon Wants to be a Puppet - Toddler Art Project

The Pigeon Wants to be a Puppet

Age: 18 Months - 5 Years (younger ones need more supervision)

Time: 10 min (+ Prep)

Theme: Mo Willem’s Character Pigeon

Books: Don’t Let the Pigeon Driver the Bus, Pigeon Wants a Puppy, or any Mo Willem’s book starring Pigeon

Construction Paper (Light blue, Orange, Black & White)
Craft (popsicle) sticks
Glue Sticks
Adults get to use Scissors

 Prep: Cut out Pigeon heads from the light blue paper, a nickel sized white circle and a dime sized black circle for the eye, a ‘W’ shape for the beak and a small rectangle for the collar (see picture). By folding a full sheet in quarters like an M you should be able to make 8 heads per sheet. Cut with the fold at the top.

Activity: Each child gets a craft stick, a head, eye pieces, beak, collar and a glue stick. To assemble, put glue all over the ‘inside’ of his head then fold over the stick. Glue on the big circle then the little one for the eye, then add the beak and the collar. Hide the hot dogs and the keys – you have your own pigeon!

Notes/Tips: Ask older kids what they think the pigeon should or should not be able to do and why. Encourage them to act it out with their Pigeon.
Having the pieces twofold so they wrap around the stick isn’t essential, but it makes them more durable for play.


  1. My son loves the pigeon books! We are going to have to try this craft :) I am stopping by from Lil Luna's party!

    1. Thanks for stopping in! Pigeon is a long time favorite in our house but Elephant & Piggy have been making regular visits from the library too. If you haven't read any of them yet...

  2. My daughter and I love the Pigeon books. This is such a cute craft, I'm excited to make it with her. I host a link party on my blog and would love to have you link this and any other your other great posts up. The link is:
    Have a great week.

  3. This idea is begging to be turned into a library program. I'm pinning it!

  4. Oh, how fun!! What a great activity to go with the books. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
