
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Simple Science for Toddlers: Magnets

I have seen this science activity in a number of places.
This week we finally got around to trying it ourselves.

First we picked out some pipe cleaners.

Then we cut them into pieces about 1" long
& put them into our bottle.
Then using a magnet we made our
fuzzy caterpillars crawl!
This activity didn't hold the Figlet's attention as long as I thought it would (she's 34 months) so I was pleasantly surprised when she got it out to show her Daddy when he arrived home. Since then she has played with it again & again! Science is fun!


  1. We also tried this experiment. I thought my lil guy would just love it...he did it a few minutes then moved on. So I was also pleasantly surprised when he asked to take it to show and tell at preschool one day.

    Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday.

    1. Good to know others had a similar experience with a little one coming back to the activity. I think sometimes we (parents) can be a little too quick to judge an activity a success or failure.

  2. I LOVE it! Going to put this on my "kid's activities" board on Pinterest. It's great for toddlers!
