
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Swiss Chard with Polenta & Egg – A Very CSA Dinner

Our CSA season kicked off this week and our first share featured Swiss chard, garlic scapes and onions. I had tried this recipe with the polenta we got from our winter CSA and some frozen greens so I was excited to change it up and make it with everything super fresh. The results were delicious!
Swiss Chard with Polenta & Egg
The Polenta Part
3/4c Polenta
1c Milk
2c Water
1t Butter
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/4c Grated Parmesan Cheese
Bring milk, water and butter to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer, then slowly pour in the polenta, stirring briskly so it doesn’t get lumpy. Simmer for about 20min stirring regularly. Add salt, pepper and parmesan cheese in the last few minutes.
The Swiss Chard Part
+/- 1/2lb Swiss Chard Washed with stems removed and ripped up
2 Green Onions chopped
1 or 2 Cloves Garlic (Or a few Garlic Scapes if you are lucky enough to have them) chopped fine
Olive oil or butter for the pan
Salt & Pepper to taste
Sauté onions and garlic, then add in the Swiss chard. Cook until tender. Salt and pepper to taste.
The Egg Part
1 or 2 eggs
Fry sunny side up over low heat with a lid or over easy if you are good at flipping
The Presentation
Stack it all up, starting with the polenta, then chard then egg. Take a picture – because that is what CSA hipster foodies do – or you can skip that step and just enjoy!
Inspired by a recipe on

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