
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Pet Lizard - Toddler Art Project

We made this project during Story Time at the library today and it was a great success! Some of the kids even let me take a picture of their lizards 'meeting' the ones we read about!

My Pet Lizard
Age: 18 Months - 5 Years (younger ones need more supervision)
Time: 10 min (+ Prep)
Theme: Lizards
Books: The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle, A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni   

Heavy Paper (Something that feels about the weight of a manila office folder)
Bendy Straws
Adults get to use Scissors and a Stapler

Prep: trace and cut out the lizards. If you are prepping for a lot of kids and cutting out a zillion lizard shapes sounds insane, then outline the lizards in marker and cut out a ‘loose’ shape around them. If cutting the lizards you can get 4/page, if a loose outline then just 3/page.

Activity: Each child gets a pre-cut lizard and crayons. Decorate, draw, scribble, make it colorful! When done, have an adult help attach the short side of the bendy straw to the lizard’s belly with the stapler (2 staples works best).

Notes/Tips: By using bendy straws the lizard can be manipulated like a puppet up and around landscapes (like the couch or a shoulder). It can also be held against the glass of a window and made to look like it is climbing on its own!

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