
Monday, March 5, 2012

Shake, Rattle & (TP) Roll - Toddler Art Project

We made these at the library a while back. They are one of the first instruments my daughter will grab to play and have survived amazingly well considering. Parent Bonus: they are loud enough to play but quiet enough to tolerate even in the car!

Shake, Rattle & (TP) Roll

Age: 18 Months - 5 Years (younger ones need more supervision)

Time: 15 - 20 min (+ Prep)

Theme: Drums

Books: Jungle Drums by Graeme Base, Be Quiet Mike by Leslie Patricelli   

Copy Paper 20lb
Toilet Paper Tube(s)
Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
Bells, metal buttons, any string-able things that make noise when they clank together
Pipe Cleaner(s)
Glue Sticks
Adults get to use Scissors and a Hole Punch

Prep: Cut paper rectangles large enough to cover the outside of the toilet paper tubes about 4-1/2 x 7 (different brands have slightly different sized tubes) and cut pipe cleaners in half.

Activity: Each child gets a pre-cut sheet of paper, and things to color with. Decorate, draw, scribble, make your marks! Then trade in the crayons/markers/pencils for a glue stick and a TP tube. Glue the paper around the tube then (adult) punch 2 holes at the top across from each other. Choose a few bells, buttons, etc (3-5 should do it) and string them onto the pipe cleaner. With adult help, poke the ends of the pipe cleaner  through the holes into the tube so they meet inside then (adult) twist them together. Make some noise!

Notes/Tips: The not-so-fuzzy pipe cleaners work better for this project.  Be sure to twist the ends of the pipe cleaner together inside the tube – this keeps the wire ends away from the play area so that they don’t poke are not easily opened by little fingers.  

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