Magic Wands
Age: 18 Months – 5+ Years (younger
ones need more supervision)
Time: 10 min (+ Prep)
Theme: Magic
Books: The Magic Rabbit by Annette
LeBlanc Cate, Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett
Adhesive Backed Felt or Craft FoamYarn & String Scraps
Adults get to use Scissors
Prep: Fold felt/foam and cut doubled
shapes for wand tops (roughly 1”). Leave the folded edge intact (this way the pieces
are more easily folded closed). Cut yarn and string into various lengths 4” –

Notes/Tips: Kids who are learning scissor
skills can practice on the yarn & string. String cuts best when held taunt,
so this is also an opportunity for teamwork. In a group setting, magic wands
can be used as ‘talking sticks’, indicating whose turn it is to speak. Foam
stickers also work as wand tops.
Oh, how fun!! We are going to check out those books too. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!